[GN Vol.5 No.2] 6G Research Trend with Related Topics in Korea and Japan

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    2023-12-29 00:00
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6G Research Trend with Related Topics in Korea and Japan 


by Sungtek Kahng, Executive Director 

and a professor at Incheon National University 


  KICS has been growing by knocking on the doors of information and communication research communities from different regions and countries to collaborate and exchange technical knowledge. As a result, international conferences and forums have grown in size to welcome an increasing number of foreign researchers and let them experience the status of Korea’s mobile communication technologies and Korean culture. In addition to the United States, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and China, KICS has recently established its Japan chapter. People inside and outside KICS should take note of this because Korea, which had to seek advice from or benchmark against the world leader in software and hardware fields decades ago, is now leading the way in semi-conductor chip manufacturing and mobile networking and has established a chapter in Tokyo across the border. A workshop was prepared and held in Sapporo, Hokkaido, to celebrate the foundation of the Japan chapter headed by Prof. Emeritus Dr. Moo Wan Kim of the Tokyo University of Information Sciences.


Figure 1. The speakers and the session chairs of the congratulatory workshop in August 2023


  The workshop dealt with 6G Research Trends with Related Topics in Korea and Japan and included 10 speeches and a panel discussion. The speakers included Prof. Een-Kee Hong (KICS President 2023, Kyung Hee University), Dr. Moo Wan Kim (Chair of KICS Japan Chapter), Prof. Jae-Hyun Kim (KICS Vice President 2023, Ajou University), Prof. Jong Geol Park (Tokyo University of Information Sciences), Dr. Moon-Sik Lee (ETRI), Prof. Sungtek Kahng (KICS Executive Director, Incheon National University and Radio & Satellite ITRC Director), Prof. Min Seok Kim (Niigata University), Prof. Yeong Hwan Kim (Tokyo University of Technology), Prof. Shintaro Uno (Aichi University of Technology), and Prof. Hyun Kwang Nam (Tokyo University of Science). These speakers shared common directions for policymaking and visions for 6G linkable with satellites and presented various approaches to define, develop, and implement core technologies. Prof. Younghan Kim (President Emeritus of KICS and Soongsil University) and Prof. Seong Ho Jeong (Exec. Vice President of KICS and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) presided over the sessions they were in charge of, which delighted the speakers and audience. The technical explanations for the queries and comments were as hot as the weather in Sapporo, which was unusual. During my stay there, the local news shows focused on the surprisingly high temperatures experienced for three nights in a row. However, inside the building for the workshop, the temperature was cool. Despite the sweltering days, the capital of Hokkaido was packed with people. Let me not forget to mention the venue, as KICS has kicked-off the preparation for a conference as the extended version of the workshop held there.


Figure 2. The photographs of the gate and hall areas of the building for the workshop


  We rented a space in the Hokkaido University conference building, as seen in Figure 2. Right next to it is a canteen that serves delicious curry dishes. Yes, you can drink beer there, which is understandable considering it is the home of Sapporo beer, or you can go outside the campus to find other restaurants. Hopefully, you can visit Sapporo to enjoy the local cuisine before the nuclear-polluted water discharged from Fukushima TEPCO affects marine natural resources, which should be prevented or rationally regulated by neighboring countries.


Figure 3. The picture of the participants in the workshop


  Attendees of the convention gathered at the Kodak moment, as seen in Figure 3. Though this was the first workshop between KICS and the KICS Japan chapter, academia as well as corporate workers joined us. Time flew by as we had a good time, which leaves something to be desired in terms of the period and scale. Therefore, the steering committee and advisory board decided to make it an international conference with distinct features compared to other conventions. I sincerely hope you will pay attention to the call for papers announcement and seize the opportunity to share your research work with others and establish a friendship with them.




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