[GN Vol.5 No.2] Lecture Series on ICT Convergence: Bio-healthcare, Robotics, Energy and Batteries, Satellites, and Smart Cities

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    2023-12-29 00:00
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    Korea’s Leading Innovations and Technologies

Lecture Series on ICT Convergence: Bio-healthcare, Robotics, Energy and Batteries, Satellites, and Smart Cities


 by Kyung-Joon Park, DGIST, South Korea




  Recently, there has been a burgeoning landscape of interdisciplinary research marked by the dynamic integration of various ICT advancements. The convergence occurring within the domains of bio-healthcare, robotics, energy and batteries, satellites, and smart cities is particularly noteworthy, where sophisticated amalgamation of diverse ICT technologies and established methodologies is actively taking place. Therefore, the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS) organized a lecture series on ICT convergence with a specific focus on biohealthcare, robotics, energy and batteries, satellites, and smart cities.


  From July 10 (Monday) to July 12 (Wednesday), 2023, KICS conducted a lecture series on ICT convergence, covering bio-healthcare, robotics, energy and batteries, satellites, and smart cities. On the first day, speakers actively involved in pioneering research in ICT-based bio-healthcare convergence studies were invited to represent the forefront of research endeavors in this field. On the second and third days, lectures focusing on the most acclaimed application areas in recent times, including robotics, batteries, energy, satellites, and smart cities were presented. Notably, we invited leading domestic researchers actively engaged in convergence research and prominent international researchers actively conducting convergence studies as speakers. Furthermore, there was special focus on inviting speakers who could elucidate each field from the perspective of ICT applications. Overall, the program was designed to emphasize presentations that examine each field from an ICT perspective, providing a meaningful opportunity to approach these domains within the context of ICT convergence.


  This event served as a significant platform for exploring these fields through the lens of ICT convergence. In particular, ICT researchers were able to establish a foundation for ICT convergence research by acquiring fundamental knowledge of recently highlighted areas through this lecture series.